Wear-resistant coating – Polyglass VEF WR
Dear customers!

Please be informed that in October 2018 Corrocoat Caspian LLP launched manufacturing of a new material Polyglass VEF WR (Wear-Resistant) which combines excellent resistance to aggressive chemical environments with abrasion resistance properties. This material is similar to Polyglass VEF in terms of chemical and thermal resistance, but in addition to that it contains abrasion resistant fillers to improve abrasion and erosion resistance.

Polyglass VER WR can be used in aggressive environments where superior resistance to chemical attack and erosion resistance are required.

For more information please contact us at:

Corrocoat Caspian LLP

23/1, Ibragimov street, Alatau village, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050032
Published on Jan 23, 2019
050032, Almaty,
Alatau district,
Ibragimova st. 23/1
T: +7-(727)-357-35-30
T: +7-(701)-711-44-38
E: info@corrocoat.kz
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